Monday, February 15, 2010

Bye-Bye, Bayh!

Indiana Senator Evan Bayh's announced retirement further erodes Democrats hopes to either ram through unwanted legislation this spring and/or summer, or maintain their large majority after the fall elections.

Bayh stated, "If Washington could be more like Indiana, it would be a better place." Well, yes -- and the same could be said for about 35 other states not dominated by the liberal bastions of bi-coastal academia and artsy-fartsy neverlands. If you want to understand AMERICA, not American elitism, you visit Indy, or Nashville, or Omaha, or Laramie, or the thousands of other towns and cities where celebrity and $1.50 can buy you a cup of coffee. That is where folks live who actually work for a living, and live for themselves, their families, and their communities. Who would you rather listen to for economic advice: the multi-millionaire, high-school dropout who looks good on a movie screen, or the political science major who got a CPA, married his/her high-school sweetheart, and whose net worth is tied up in the house and the kids' education?

Bayh should be commended for his four years of service as Indiana's secretary of state, eight years as governor, and 12 years as senator. Should he fancy himself a candidate for higher office at some later date, he should be questioned hard for his role and vote in advancing the radically liberal agenda abroad (and, seemingly, adrift) in Washington today. If he envisions himself as a viable alternative to Obama to Democrats in 2012, let's hope he realizes that his remaining votes in Washington should serve to augment that differentiation soonest!

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