Sunday, October 25, 2009

A (Dropped) Penny For Your Thoughts...

Is the penny starting to drop for mainstream media journalists? ABC's Jake Tapper has broken ranks to question the Obama Administration's ostracism of Fox News over ideological differences and political criticisms.

Has it finally dawned on the left-leaning media that liberal Democrats -- and left-wingers, in general -- suffer badly from self-absorbed certainty? They are so sure they're right that any dissent is necessarily malignant, hindering them from exercising their superior ideas and intellects to our betterment. Who cares if there's a 200+-year history and tradition of political faction in this country -- it's US now, and just let US rule!

Gotta admit, it's an attitude that's much easier to practice than having to persuade with reasoned argument -- especially when your reasons and arguments are so weak! It's just that it's -- if I may paraphrase an Obamanoid -- you know, un-American.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

"...If not now, when?"

An important rejoinder from Roger Simon, following up the weak excuse by Obama media guru Anita Dunn's quoting Mao Tse-Tung as a 'favorite' political operative:

My favorite lines are: "...Like his radical friends — Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones, Anita Dunn — Barack Obama wishes to transform the United States according to a model whose basic shape was supplied by the utopian schemes of the 1960s. That’s why Anita Dunn said that Mao was one of the thinkers she most often turned to for wisdom about big-think political problems. It’s not that she admires his penchant for industrial strength homicide: rather, she admires his success at fomenting an egalitarian revolution. It’s not what we bargained for when we elected Barack Obama. But that’s what we’ve got. The question is how much worse will things have to get before the penny drops?.."

As for me, I'm in for a penny AND a pound -- but, alas, I realized what we were getting BEFORE the revolution, so my agreement isn't worth much. I voted for the pretty brunette (who also happens to be a pretty sharp conservative!) nobody likes. I already knew Obama was the left-most presidential candidate we've ever had!

Friday, October 9, 2009

We Kept No Territory...

There is, I see, one glimmer of hope that the Nobel Prize conspicuously awarded to President Obama can actually benefit American interests: if he goes to Oslo in December and makes a convincing case that the U.S. that fought two wars in Europe for peace in the last century without claiming territory; which freed the territorial Philippines and Cuba after gaining their possession; which turned Germany and Japan into allies after bombing them to submission to conclude their dynastic tendancies of WWII; is to be appreciated for its generosity to the world in war and peace, and is unique in its liberal attitude toward the sovereignty of others.

Alas, I don't think that Obama has either the mindset nor eloquence (I'm not as enamored with his verbal pabulum as others seem to be) to pull it off...

Cy Young Award?..

By the way, I figure since President Obama actually DID throw out the first pitch at the All-Star game wearing a White Sox jacket, he's a shoo-in for the American League Cy Young Award.

And, compared to the Nobel Peace Prize, he'll deserve it!

Nobel Laureate (Or Is That 'Lariat', As In Tied To a Failing Policy?)

Well, great -- that's just what we needed for President Obama: incentive to continue selling U.S. interests down the river in order to receive international accolades! He's likely to give away BOTH Jerusalem AND Afghanistan now!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lot of folks out there trying to explain away the continued popularity of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin:

It's really pretty easy to figure out, it's just hard to accommodate it into their "it's about me and my philosophy" meme.  You see, the Obama coalition was made up of about 25% of the political populace which is truly left-wing/Liberal (like he is!); about 15% that were just plain fed up with the GOP and Bush's lack of adherence either to fiscal discipline or neo-isolationism, and wanted to punish them/him; and the remainder folks who were enamored by the fact of electing a black president. Almost ALL of the 47%-48% of the voting populace who voted McCain truly ARE believers in limited government and personal freedom, and didn't have anyone else for whom to vote.

In that light, Palin has a base of about 48% of the American voting public, while the Obamans can claim maybe 25% solidly. (The rest are available for conversion.) The fact that the media is monolithically pro-Obama is the only reason anyone even wonders why Palin is popular. She speaks to and for the largest number of us.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

This is what you lose...

 ...when you cut defense spending to the bone:

Good to keep in mind the U.S. military does many things besides fight, and does all of them (including fighting!) better than almost anyone else in the world.

If anyone knows President Obama, pass the word, would ya? He doesn't seem to know...