Things that will not end well:
- Either Israel will attack the Iranian nuclear sites, or Iran will threaten and/or use nuclear weapons against Israel;
- Democrats WILL pass some sort of health-care 'reform' which will NOT benefit folks who already have health insurance (it won't save any money, either!);
- Import tariffs and protectionism will undermine the World Trade Organization, and cause higher consumer prices for Americans, while their own government is stealthily increasing their own taxes via carbon- and value-added levies.
- Federal spending mandates will virtually guarantee that local and state governments pare back taxes and services to a point that basic necessities go begging locally, or increase local/state taxes so that household budgets go unbalanced;
- The coming 'revolution' by citizens over local vs. central/federal government will determine whether or not the U.S.A. is a nation in decline. It's a toss-up, at this point.