Saturday, March 27, 2010

I am overwhelmed... both current events and personal pursuits.

Re: the latter -- I have compiled more than 1,000 miles on my new/old motorcycle in the past 6 + weeks, including some 2-up riding (which is much harder, in the 'handling' stages of starting and stopping) with my lady friend/partner.

Externally, the national debate has become so rich in fodder that I've been unable to focus on any particular issue.

Today, however, I note a situation in which both sides are correct (a relative oddity in today's political dichotomy): President Obama's recess appointments of 15 executive-branch place-holders. I don't like most of them. Yet, I agree that the president has a right to make the appointments.

My only issue with the whole thing is the media's failure to point out the hypocrisy of Democrats who decried President Bush's use of recess appointments sidelined over philosophical matters, and the Democrats criticism of the GOP's disdain today of the appointees' philosophical standards.

Not only do the Democrats have no sense of irony, but they continue to demonstrate a philosophy that the electorate is stupid. The electorate gets the final say -- in November! As a Tennessean, I'm reminded of the legendary, if perhaps fabulous, comment from David Crockett: "Be sure you're right, then go ahead." Seems to me the Democrats have gone ahead before they were sure they were right.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wal-Mart and Sen. Lindsey Graham...

It is said that any person or institution that is not completely conservative will eventually trend toward liberalism. Wal-Mart and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham seem to confirm that thesis.
With Sam Walton dead, non-family Wal-Mart executives today concern themselves with warding off government action by becoming "green" and offering a broader range of benefits to its workers. Never mind that they were the leading private employer in two countries -- the United States and Mexico -- BEFORE they decided to kow-tow to political correctness.
Now, we see erstwhile conservative Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) trying hard to accommodate the wrong-headed notions of the Obama Administration regarding the secure prison for combatants at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (why doesn't anyone ever notice that we are ever-present in Cuba without destroying its antagonistic government these past 50 years, while lambasting us as universal imperialists? Don't you think we could posit enough firepower at Guantanamo to snuff the Castros at a moment's notice if we decided to?).
Regarding Wal-Mart, see here: